Angular 7 features

Angular 7 was a major release from Angular 6, introducing several new features and improvements to the framework. Some of the notable features of Angular 7 include:

  1. CLI Prompts: Angular 7 introduced the CLI prompts feature, which makes it easier to use the Angular CLI by providing helpful prompts and guidance when creating new projects and components.
  2. Virtual Scrolling: Angular 7 introduced virtual scrolling, which allows developers to efficiently display large lists of data by rendering only the visible items, improving performance and reducing memory usage.
  3. Drag and Drop: Angular 7 introduced a new drag and drop feature, which makes it easier to implement drag-and-drop functionality in an application.
  4. Improved Application Performance: Angular 7 introduced several changes to improve the performance of applications, making it faster and more efficient, especially for large and complex applications.
  5. Better Error Handling: Angular 7 introduced improved error handling, making it easier to debug and diagnose problems in an application.
  6. Improved Accessibility: Angular 7 introduced several improvements to accessibility, making it easier to build applications that are usable by people with disabilities.
  7. Angular Material and the CDK: Angular 7 introduced new features and improvements to Angular Material and the Component Development Kit (CDK), making it easier to create professional-looking and functional user interfaces.
  8. Improved Compatibility with TypeScript 3.1: Angular 7 is compatible with the latest version of TypeScript, which provides several new features and improvements for type checking and error handling.
  9. Improved Router: Angular 7 introduced several improvements to the Router, making it easier to manage navigation in an application and implement complex routing scenarios.
  10. Deprecation of the old HTTP module: Angular 7 deprecated the old HTTP module, encouraging developers to use the new and improved HttpClient module for making HTTP requests.

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