What are the characteristics or attributes of ECMAScript 6 (ES6)?

ECMAScript 6 (ES6), also known as ECMAScript 2015, introduced several new features to JavaScript that make it easier to write complex and maintainable code. Some of the key characteristics or attributes of ES6 include:

  1. Template literals: String interpolation and multiline strings
  2. Arrow functions: Shorter and more concise syntax for defining functions
  3. Destructuring: Easily extract values from arrays and objects into variables
  4. let and const: Block-scoped variable declarations
  5. Modules: Support for modular and organized code
  6. Classes: A simpler syntax for creating object-oriented classes
  7. Promises: Asynchronous programming with a simpler syntax
  8. Spread operator: Easily expand arrays and objects into individual values
  9. Default parameters: Provide default values for function parameters
  10. Rest parameters: Collect all remaining parameters into an array

These are just a few of the many new features added in ES6. By using these features, you can write more concise and readable code, making it easier to maintain and scale your projects over time.

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